Research Interests:
- Stochastic optimization and decision theory in dynamic systems.
- Machine learning, statistical inference, algorithmic theory, and computational techniques.
- Infrastructure networks, communication systems, and social economic networks.
Selected Research Projects:
- AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (USDA).
- Greater Data Science Cooperative Institute (NSF).
- Searching for the Rare: an Active Inference and Learning Approach (NSF).
- Large-Scale Network Inference (ARO).
- EAGER:Renewables: Reversing the Death Spiral: Sustainable Integration of Renewables and Storage in Distribution Systems (NSF).
- Beating the Odds in Traffic Measurements/Detection with Optimal Online Learning and Adaptive Policies (NSF).
- Online Learning and Exploitation of the Radio Frequency Spectrum with Sub-Nyquist Sampling (NSF).
- Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS-CTA) (ARL Consortium).
- Stochastic Online Learning in Dynamic Networks under Unknown Models (ARO).
Honors and Awards:
- 2020: Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Signal Processing Society.
- 2018: Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering, Cornell University.
- 2018: Jubilee Chair Professor, Chalmers University, Sweden.
- 2018: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow of European Union Research and Innovation Program.
- 2014: Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty Research Award, UC Davis College of Engineering.
- 2013: Fellow of IEEE.
- 2012: Zuhair A. Munir Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation by Keqin Liu for his research entitled “On Multi-Armed Bandit in Dynamic Systems”.
- 2010: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award for the article A Survey of Dynamic Spectrum Access
(coauthored with B.M. Sadler) published in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
- 2010: plenary talk at the 11th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Multi-Armed Bandits: History, Theory, and Applications.
- 2010: UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow.
- 2008: Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, UC Davis College of Engineering.
- 2008-2012: tutorials on Networking Cognitive Radios for Dynamic Spectrum Access
presented at SPCOM’12, ICC’10, ICASSP’08, DySPAN’08, MILCOM’08.
- 2006: Student Best Paper Award at ICASSP for the paper Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Lifetime Maximization: A Shortest Path Bandit Formulation.
- 2006: First Place Winner of Student Paper Contest at IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers for the paper Joint Design and Separation Principle for Opportunistic Spectrum Access.
- 2000: Young Author Best Paper Award from IEEE Signal Processing Society for the paper
Adaptive Blind Channel Estimation by Least Squares Smoothing (coauthored with L. Tong) published in
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.